Professor Love Dalén

Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics
Swedish Museum Natural History
Stockholm, Sweden

Love Dalén is an evolutionary geneticist whose research interests are focused on using palaeogenetics to investigate evolutionary consequences of past environmental and anthropogenic change. His current research ranges from projects that aim to investigate the impact of Pleistocene climate change on animal micro-evolution, to projects that explore the genetic consequences of small population size in animals that have gone through human-induced population declines in the last century. Dalén has a PhD in Zoology from Stockholm University, where he worked in population genetics of the arctic fox. After his PhD, he took up a postdoctoral position in Madrid and, following this, a Marie-Curie Fellowship at Royal Holloway University of London. Since 2009, he has held a permanent research position at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, where he now works as a Professor in evolutionary genetics and is head of the department’s research section. His research group comprises several postdocs and PhD students, working on a broad range of palaeogenomic projects, for example on woolly mammoth, lemmings, arctic foxes and Sumatran rhinos. Dalén is a founding member of the Swedish Centre for Palaeogenetics.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

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